LUTHER, Okla. — Most parents at Luther say they are touched by a letter that a middle school instructor handed out to his pupils recently.
Jason Brown teaches 8th grade English at Luther Middle School.
Brown discovered a letter that a teacher in Florida gave his pupils, letting them understand that their test score does not define them.
So as the students get ready for the OSTP’s, Brown decided to tweak this letter a little little to fit his students and passed it out with them.
The letter reads:
Dear Students,
This coming week you’ll choose your OSTPs (Oklahoma State Testing Program). I understand how hard you have worked, but there is something important that you must understand: The OSTP Doesn’t assess all of what makes each of you special and unique. The men and women who create these evaluations and score them don’t know each of you the way certainly not the way your families perform, and I do.
They do not understand that some of you speak two languages, or that you love to sing or paint a picture. They Haven’t seen your Gorgeous and natural gift for dancing. They don’t understand Your friends count on you to be there for them, Your head turns red Once You feel shy, or Your laughter can brighten the day. They Haven’t heard you tell differences between a King Cobra and a Rattler. They do not understand that you take part that occasionally you Look after your brother or sisters after college, or wonder about the future. They do not understand that despite Managing poor Conditions, you come to college with a smile. They do not understand That You Could tell a Wonderful story or which you really enjoy spending time (baking, searching, mudding, fishing, buying…) with particular family members and friends. They don’t understand that you try daily to be your very best, and that you’re able to be trustworthy, thoughtful or kind.
The scores you will get from this test will tell you some thing, but they Won’t tell you what. There Are Lots of ways of being smart. You’re smart! You’re enough! You are! So while you are currently preparing for this test and while you are in the midst of it all, bear in mind that there is not any way to ‘examine’ all of the amazing and things which make you YOU!

Jason Brown delivered another letter home
KFOR’s Jessica Bruno is following this story and will get more this evening on NewsChannel 4.
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